We are looking for cattle that are naturally intoxicated with lantana camara. Lantana is a common toxic plant in Queensland. We are searching for prognostic indicators of intoxicated cattle to better identify cattle that will survive. If you have cattle that are showing signs of photosensitization and have access to lantana, we would like to include them in the study. Photosensitization will present as thickened or “crusty” skin that is more firm that normal. It occurs commonly in the white skinned areas, ears, nose and rear legs, but can occur anywhere on the body. Involvement in the study will consist of the cost of the campus vet mileage at $1.81/km roundtrip and the cost of the pharmaceuticals needed to treat. Blood, urine physical examination data, and pictures will be collected from the diseased animal and a healthy individual from the same paddock. Standard therapy will be activated charcoal by mouth and oxytetracycline injectable. The examination, pharmaceutical administration, and veterinary advice will be free. We are searching for prognostic indicators of intoxicated cattle to better identify cattle that will survive.
Please contact Dr Brandon Fraser for more details.