Dr Werdi Pratiwi
Lecturer in Anatomy & Physiology & Teaching Associate
School of Veterinary Science
+61 7 546 01859
+61 7 54601 859

Journal Articles
Pratiwi, N. M. W., Murray, P. J. and Taylor, D. G. (2007). Feral goats in Australia: A study on the quality and nutritive value of their meat. Meat Science, 75 (1), 168-177. doi: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2006.06.026
Werdi Pratiwi, N.M., Murray, P.J., Taylor, D.G. and Zhang, D. (2006). Comparison of breed, slaughter weight and castration on fatty acid profiles in the longissimus thoracic muscle from male Boer and Australian feral goats. Small Ruminant Research, 64 (1-2), 94-100. doi: 10.1016/j.smallrumres.2005.04.002
Pratiwi, NMW, Murray, PJ and Taylor, GD (2006). Total cholesterol concentrations of the muscles in castrated Boer goats. Small Ruminant Research, 64 (1-2), 77-81. doi: 10.1016/j.smallrumres.2005.04.016
Pratiwi, Ni Made Werdi, Murray, Peter J. and Taylor, David Gordon (2004). Meat quality of entire and castrated male Boer goats raised under Australian conditions and slaughtered at different weights: physical characteristics, shear force values and eating quality profiles. Animal Science, 79 (2), 213-219. doi: 10.1017/s135772980009007x
Pratiwi, Ni Made Werdi, Murray, P. J. and Taylor, D. G. (2004). The fatty acid composition of muscle and adipose tissues from entire and castrated male Boer goats raised in Australia. Animal Science, 79 (2), 221-229. doi: 10.1017/S1357729800090081
Sumarmono, J., Ni Made Werdi Pratiwi,, Murray, P. J. and Taylor, D. (2003). Growth and partitioning of fat depots in male goats.. Animal Production Australia Queensland Branch
Murray, P. J., Sumarmono, J. and Ni Made Werdi Pratiwi, (2002). Boer goats under the microscope. Part 1. Are Boer bucks best?. Boer Briefs, Autumn 200 (28), 10,11,14,17.
Murray, P. J., Sumarmono, J. and Pratiwi, N.M.W. (2002). Boer goats under the microscope. Part 2. Are Boer bucks best?. Boer Briefs, Winter 200 (29), 18,19,20,24.
Murray, P. J., Sumarmono, J. and Pratiwi, N. M. W. (2002). Boer goats under the microscope. Are Boer bucks best? Part 3. Boer carcasses out perform ferals. Boer Briefs, Spring 200 (30), 9-11.
Conference Papers
Sumarmono, J., Pratiwi, N. M. W., Murray, P. J. and Taylor, D. G. (2002). Yield and carcass characteristics of improved Boer and Australian feral goats slaughtered at 30 kg liveweight. Animal Production in Australia, Adelaide, South Australia, 2002. Armidale. N.S.W: The Australian Society of Animal Production.
Sumarmono, J., Ni Made Werdi Pratiwi, Murray, P. J. and Taylor, D. (2002). Growth, distribution and partitioning of fats in improved Boer goats. Animal Production for Food and Environment Security, New Delhi, India, September 23-27, 2002. Sandeep Press, Naraina, India: Indian Association of Animal Production.
Murray, P. J., Sumarmono, J., Ni Made Werdi Pratiwi, and Taylor, D. (2001). Growth of goats for meat production: Effect of breed and castration. 25th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting, Canberra, ACT, 3-5 December 2001. Carlton, Victoria: Blackwell Science Asia.
Sumarmono, J., Ni Made Werdi Pratiwi,, Murray, P. J. and Taylor, D. (2001). Carcass composition of entire and castrated full blood improved Boer bucks. 25th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting, Canberra, ACT, 3-5 December 2001. Carlton, Victoria, Australia: Blackwell Science Asia.
Ni Made Werdi Pratiwi,, Sumarmono, J., Murray, P. J. and Taylor, D. (2001). Physical traits of goat meat: a comparison between meat from castrated and entire Boer bucks. 25th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting, Canberra, ACT, 3-5 December 2001. Carlton, Victoria: Blackwell Science Asia.