Associate Professor Daniel Schull
Associate Professor & Director Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
School of Veterinary Science
+61 7 54601 845

Journal Articles
Langhorne, C., Wood, B. J., Wood, C., Henning, J., McGowan, M., Schull, D., Ranjbar, S. and Gibson, J. S. (2024). Understanding barriers to reducing antimicrobials on Australian dairy farms: A qualitative analysis. Australian Veterinary Journal, 102 (6), 1-8. doi: 10.1111/avj.13322
Schull, Daniel, King, Eva and Clarke, Patricia (2022). "Clinical Teachers: Teaching Tips for the Busy Veterinary Team": Reflections on the Development of a Multimodal Resource for Veterinarians and Veterinary Nurses/ Technologists New to Clinical Teaching. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 49 (4), 437-441. doi: 10.3138/jvme-2020-0147
Cake, Martin, Bell, Melinda, Cobb, Kate, Feakes, Adele, Hamood, Wendy, Hughes, Kirsty, King, Eva, Mansfield, Caroline F., McArthur, Michelle, Matthew, Susan, Mossop, Liz, Rhind, Susan, Schull, Daniel and Zaki, Sanaa (2021). Employability as a guiding outcome in veterinary education: findings of the VetSet2Go project. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8 687967, 687967. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2021.687967
King, Eva, Norman, Elizabeth J., Mossop, Liz H., Cobb, Kate A., Matthew, Susan M., Scholz, Emma C. and Schull, Daniel N. (2021). Qualitative research in veterinary medical education: Part 1-principles of qualitative design. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 48 (5), 511-518. doi: 10.3138/jvme-2019-0101-p1
King, Eva, Scholz, Emma C., Matthew, Susan M., Mossop, Liz H., Cobb, Kate A., Norman, Elizabeth J. and Schull, Daniel N. (2021). Qualitative research in veterinary medical education: part 2—carrying out research projects. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 48 (5), 519-527. doi: 10.3138/jvme-2019-0101-p2
Seddon, Jennifer M., Cobbold, Rowland N., Mai, Duong C., Keates, Helen, Hill, Jon, Hoa, Ho T.K., Mills, Paul C., Herndon, Aaron, Hien, Thanh Le, Schull, Dan, Parke, Christopher, Toan, Nguyen Tat, Kopp, Steven, Wright, John D., Thong, Le Quang and Tra An, Vo Thi (2020). Sharing ideas and practice: institutional partnership influences change in approaches to teaching to enhance veterinary education in Vietnam in conjunction with an OIE Veterinary Education Twinning Project. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 47 (s1), e20190111-91. doi: 10.3138/jvme-2019-0111
Schull, Daniel, King, Eva, Hamood, Wendy and Feakes, Adele (2020). ‘Context’ matters: factors considered by employers when selecting new graduate veterinarians. Higher Education Research and Development, 40 (2), 1-14. doi: 10.1080/07294360.2020.1740181
Clarke, P., Henning, J., King, E., Coleman, G. and Schull, D. (2019). What makes a great clinical team? Stakeholder perspectives on the attributes of effective veterinary health care teams in Australia. Australian Veterinary Journal, 97 (11), 424-432. doi: 10.1111/avj.12855
King, Eva, Turpin, Merrill, Green, Wendy and Schull, Daniel (2019). Learning to interact and interacting to learn: a substantive theory of clinical workplace learning for diverse cohorts. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 24 (4), 691-706. doi: 10.1007/s10459-019-09891-8
King, Eva, Henning, Joerg, Green, Wendy J., Turpin, Merrill J. and Schull, Daniel N. (2019). Am I being understood? Veterinary students' perceptions of the relationship between their language background, communication ability, and clinical learning. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 46 (1), 35-44. doi: 10.3138/jvme.0417-057r
Clarke, Patricia, Henning, Joerg, Coleman, Glen and Schull, Daniel (2018). Recruiting the graduate voice: informing higher education initiatives to underpin an emerging, veterinary paraprofession in Australia. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 71 (1), 126-152. doi: 10.1080/13636820.2018.1535515
Clarke, Patricia M., Al-Alawneh, John, Pitt, Rachael E., Schull, Daniel N. and Coleman, Glen T. (2015). Client Perspectives on Desirable Attributes and Skills of Veterinary Technologists in Australia: Considerations for Curriculum Design. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 42 (3), 217-231. doi: 10.3138/jvme.0115-001R
Schull, Daniel N., Kyle, Greg J., Coleman, Glen T. and Mills, Paul C. (2012). Attributes of clinical role models as described by senior veterinary students in Australia. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 39 (3), 263-266. doi: 10.3138/jvme.0311-032R
Schull, Daniel, Clarke, Patricia, Meehan, Michael and Barnes, Tamsin (2012). Veterinary technology student perceptions of an experiential client interaction workshop: Enhanced self-awareness of professional communication skills. The Veterinary Nurse, 3 (5), 314-320.
Schull, D. N., Morton, J. M., Coleman, G. T. and Mills, P. C. (2012). Final-year student and employer views of essential personal, interpersonal and professional attributes for new veterinary science graduates. Australian Veterinary Journal, 90 (3), 100-104. doi: 10.1111/j.1751-0813.2011.00874.x
Clarke, Patricia, Schull, Daniel, Coleman, Glen, Pitt, Rachael and Manathunga, Catherine (2012). Enhancing professional writing skills of veterinary technology students: linking assessment and clinical practice in a communications course. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 38 (3), 273-287. doi: 10.1080/02602938.2011.630975
Schull, Daniel N., Morton, John M., Coleman, Glen T. and Mills, Paul C. (2011). Veterinary students' perceptions of their day-one abilities before and after final-year clinical practice-based training. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 38 (3), 251-261. doi: 10.3138/jvme.38.3.251
Schull, D., Meehan, M., Coleman, G. and Mills, P. (2011). Student evaluation of a professional studies lecture series delivered to final year veterinary undergraduates. Australian Veterinary Practitioner, 41 (2), 61-65.
Bolton, J. A., Schull, D. N., Morton, J. M. and Atwell, R. B. (2011). Changes in WBC counts associated with Ixodes holocyclus prior to clinical intoxication in dogs. Australian Veterinary Practitioner, 41 (1), 29-32.
Clarke, Patricia M., Schull, Daniel N. and Coleman, Glen T. (2009). Demographics and employment destinations of a new group of veterinary technologists in Australia. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 36 (2), 241-245. doi: 10.3138/jvme.36.2.241
Day, Jane and Schull, Daniel (2008). Findings from thoracic radiographs of dogs and cats with tick toxicity. Australian Veterinary Practitioner, 38 (3), 87-90.
Schull, D. N., Litster, A. L. and Atwell, R. B. (2007). Tick toxicity in cats caused by Ixodes species in Australia: A review of published literature. Journal of Feline Medicine And Surgery, 9 (6), 487-493. doi: 10.1016/j.jfms.2007.06.006
Schull, D. N. and O'Leary, C. A. (2007). The use of tick antitoxin serum and associated therapy for the treatment of dogs with Ixodes holocyclus toxicity. Australian Veterinary Practioner, 37 (3), 90-97.
Schull, D (2007). Acute side effects attributed to the use of tick antitoxin serum: A review of available descriptions. Australian Veterinary Practitioner, 37 (3), 98-91.
Schull, D. (2004). Tick paralysis in a cat with sub-clinical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Australian Veterinary Practitioner, 34 (1), 32-36.
Conference Papers
Meler, Erika, Schull, Daniel, Kelly, Sarah and Richards, Russell (2023). Stock and flow modelling of a veterinary teaching hospital – How to better embed clinical teaching into patient flow. 25th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation MODSIM 2023, Darwin, NT Australia, 9-13 July 2023. Canberra, ACT Australia: Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand. doi: 10.36334/modsim.2023.meler
Meler, E., Schull, D. and Kelly, S. (2023). Challenges and tensions to clinical teaching in VTHs – results of a survey of clinical teachers and a review of the literature. AVA Conference, Adelaide, SA Australia, 27 May-2 June 2023.
Meler, E., Schull, D. and Kelly, S. (2023). Constraints to clinical teaching in veterinary teaching hospitals – what are the solutions?. VetEd DownUnder conference, Murdoch, WA Australia, 7-10 February 2023.
McArthur, M.L. and Schull, D. (2023). Integrating clinical communication in the clinical years of veterinary programs. Vet Ed Down Under 2023, Perth, WA, Australia, 6-9 February 2023.
Stokes, T., Chester, A. and Schull, D. (2023). Embedding 'spectrum of care' / 'incremental care' philosophies and skills into the veterinary program. Vet Ed Down Under - Australasian Veterinary Educators Symposium, Perth, WA Australia, 6-9 February 2023.
Simmons, G., Cumming, B, Baker, J., Weazel, D., Hutchings, A., Boland, P., Kopp, S., Henning, J. and Schull, D. (2020). A collaborative initiative into an Indigenous community for final year veterinary science students which improves animal welfare and encourages community engagement. Vet Ed Down Under 2020: Australasian Veterinary Educators Symposium, Gatton, QLD Australia, 11-13 Feb 2020.
Hill, J., Schull, D. and Parker, D. (2020). Student backgrounds and career intent on entry to a veterinary programme. Vet Ed Down Under 2020: Australasian Veterinary Educators Symposium, Gatton, QLD Australia, 11-13 February 2020.
Hazzard, V. and Schull, D. (2020). What are the qualities of highly effective clinical teachers? Qualitative analysis of veterinary student descriptions. Vet Ed Down Under 2020: Australasian Veterinary Educators Symposium, Gatton, QLD Australia, 11-13 February 2020.
Herndon, A., Shapter, F., Schull, D., Noskoff, A. and Evans, J. (2020). High resolution curriculum and assessment mapping. Vet Ed Down Under 2020: Australasian Veterinary Educators Symposium, Gatton, QLD Australia, 11-13 February 2020.
Herndon, A., Schull, D, Mallyon, J., Parker, D. and Schneider, X. (2020). EMS Happy hour: student care in an informal, flexible, online environment. Vet Ed Down Under 2020: Australasian Veterinary Educators Symposium, Gatton, QLD Australia, 11-13 February 2020.
Schull, D., Mallyon, J., Herndon, A., Purcell, S., McEwen, M.-M., Boe-Hansen, G., McGhie, J., Parker, D., Goodwin, W., Cobbold, R., Kidd, L., Shapter, F., Bird, L. and Fraser, B. (2020). A capstone student conference experience to enhance oral presentation skills and exposure to clinical case material. Vet Ed Down Under 2020: Australasian Veterinary Educators Symposium, Gatton, QLD Australia, 11-13 February 2020.
Scholz, E., Matthew, S., Norman, L., King, E. and Schull, D. (2020). Not everything that counts can be counted: getting started with qualitative research in veterinary education. Vet Ed Down Under 2020: Australasian Veterinary Educators Symposium, Gatton, QLD Australia, 11-13 February 2020.
King, E. and Schull, D. (2020). Learning to interact and interacting to learn: a framework for understanding how diverse students engage with clinical workplace learning. Vet Ed Down Under 2020: Australasian Veterinary Educators Symposium, Gatton, QLD Australia, 11-13 February 2020.
Cumming, Bonny and Schull, Dan (2020). Veterinary service delivery to remote Indigenous communities: talking practicalities and One Health. Vet Ed Down Under 2020: Australasian Veterinary Educators Symposium, Gatton, QLD Australia, 11-13 February 2020.
Meler, Erika, Schull, Dan, Smith, Karl and Kelly, Sarah (2020). How to better embed clinical teaching into practice operations within veterinary teaching hospitals?. Vet Down Under, Gatton campus, QLD, Australia, 11-13 February 2020.
Jooste, Tiffany and Schull, Daniel (2018). The demise of the didactic lecture? Staff and student perspectives. Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference 2018, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 13-18 May 2018.
Schull, Dan (2018). Perfect match! How employers select new graduate veterinarians for employment. Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference 2018, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 13-18 May 2018.
Schull, D., King, E., Hamood, W. and Feakes, A. (2018). Taking on new graduates – Employer motivations and support offered. Vet Ed Down Under 2018, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 13-14 February.
Cake, M., Bell, M., Mansfield, C., King, L., Schull, D., King, E., McArthur, M., Feakes, A., Hamood, W., Zaki, S., Matthew, S., Rhind, S., Hughes, K., Cobb, K. and Mossop, L. (2018). What does employability mean for veterinarians? The VetSet2Go Project. Vet Ed Down Under 2018, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 13-14 February 2018.
Shapter, F., Kempster, S., Chakitdee, V., Gaulton, N., Wright, J. and Schull, D. (2018). Getting more with less: modifying clinical models to optimise utility. Vet Ed Down Under 2018, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 13-14 February 2018.
Schull, D., Simmons, G., Cummings, B., Coradini, M., Balson, A. and Shapter, F. (2018). Veterinary student experiences of an animal management and community engagement program for a regional indigenous community. Vet Ed Down Under 2028, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 13 - 14 February 2018.
Meler, E., Schull, D., Smith, C. and Kelly, S. (2018). Can veterinary teaching hospitals be profitable?. VetEd DownUnder conference, University of Adelaide, Roseworthy campus, 13-14 February 2018.
Schull, Daniel, King, Eva, Hamood, Wendy and Feakes, Adele (2017). Selecting new graduate veterinarians for employment: An analysis of semi-structured employer interviews. Veterinary Employability Forum, Kingscliff, NSW Australia, 8-9 Feb 2017.
Cake, M., Bell, M., King, L., Mansfield, C., Schull, D., King, E., McArthur, M., Hamood, W., Feakes, A., Zaki, S., Matthew, S., Mossop, L. and Rhind, S. (2016). VetSet2Go – Building veterinary employability. Australian Collaborative Education Network Conference 2016, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 28-30 September 2016.
Alawneh, J. I., Schull, D., Magalhaes, R. and Cobbold, R. (2015). Creating capacity for the next generation of One Health practitioners: conceptions, motivations and experiences of an undergraduate One Health course. 3rd International One Health Congress, One Health implementation: case studies division, Amsterdam - the Netherlands., 15-18 March 2015. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: The Organizing Committee.
Schull, D., Coleman, G., Mills, P., Hillier, M. and Clarke, T. (2014). Developing online resources for new clinical teachers. Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference 2014, Perth, WA, Australia, 25-30 May 2014.
Keates, H., Hilton, A., Hilton, G., Dole, S. and Schull, D. (2013). ‘Where’s my calculator?’ An intervention designed to improve numeracy in first year Veterinary Science students.. VetEd Symposium Dublin 2013, Dublin, Ireland, 4-5 July 2013.
Clarke, Patricia, Schull, Daniel, Pitt, Rachael, Coleman, Glen and Al-Alawneh, John (2013). Veterinary clients' perceptions of veterinary healthcare team effectiveness and the attributes of team members. ICCVM 2013: 7th International Conference on Communications in Veterinary Medicine, St Louis, MI, USA, 2-6 November, 2013.
Schull, Daniel, King, Eva, Mathew, Susan, Fawcett, Anne, Mills, Jennifer, Bell, Melinda, Mcarthur, Michelle, Tudor, Elizabeth, Scholz, Emma, Harrison, Ryl and Gordon, Stuart (2013). Shared challenges: an update on clinical communications training at Australasian veterinary schools. ICCVM 2013: 7th International Conference on Communications in Veterinary Medicine, St Louis, MI, USA, 2-6 November, 2013.
King, Eva, Schull, Daniel, Green, Wendy and Turpin, Merrill (2013). Does diversity matter? Exploring the educational experience of culturally and linguistically diverse veterinary science students. ICCVM 2013: 7th International Conference on Communications in Veterinary Medicine, St Louis, MI, USA, 2-6 November, 2013.
Clarke, Patricia, Coleman, Glen, Schull, Daniel, Pitt, Rachael and Al-Alawneh, John (2013). A comparison of clients' and veterinarians' perceptions of emotional intelligence attributes of veterinary support staff. ICCVM 2013: 7th International Conference on Communications in Veterinary Medicine, St Louis, MI, USA, 2-6 November, 2013.
Schull, D., Hillier, M., Alawneh, J., Clarke, P. and Mills, P. (2013). Development of online teacher training for clinician educators who coach and inspire veterinary professionals of the future: results of a needs analysis. 2013 AVA (Australian Veterinary Association) Conference, Cairns, QLD, Australia, 26-31 May 2013.
Schull, Daniel, Hillier, Mathew, Al-Alawneh, John, Clarke, Patricia, King, Eva, Mills, Paul and Coleman, Glen (2013). Online teacher training for clinician educators: raising role awareness in communication and other professional attributes. ICCVM 2013: 7th International Conference on Communications in Veterinary Medicine, St Louis, MI, USA, 2-6 November, 2013.
Schull, Dan, Mills, Paul and Coleman, Glen (2011). Clinical role models and the informal and hidden curricula: Making the implicit explicit. International Conference on Communication in Veterinary Medicine 2011, Niagra-on-the-Lake, Canada, 2-5 October 2011.
Meehan, Micheal, Schull, Dan and Coleman, Glen (2011). Using reliable theory and measures to explore associations between communication skills and positive client outcomes. International Conference on Communication in Veterinary Medicine 2011, Niagra-on-the-Lake, Canada, 2-5 October 2011.
Schull, Dan (2011). Veterinary technology students' perceptions of an experiential client interaction workshop: Enhanced self-awareness of communication skills. Internal Conference on Communication in Veterinary Medicine, Niagra-on-the-Lake, Canada, 2-5 October 2011.
Schull, Daniel (2010). Outcomes assessment of clinical skills. Pan Pacific Veterinary Conference 2010, Brisbane Australia, 23-28 May 2010. St Leonards, NSW, Australia: Australian Veterinary Association.
Schull, Dan (2010). Veterinary role models and the hidden curriculum. PanPac 2010: Australian Veterinary Association and New Zealand Veterinary Association Pan Pacific Veterinary Conference 2010. Embracing Challenges, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 23-28 May 2010. St. Leonards, NSW, Australia: Australian Veterinary Association; New Zealand Veterinary Association.
Meehan, M., Schull, D., Pachana, N., Watson, B. and Coleman, G. (2009). Determining the effectiveness of an interactive communication skills and human-animal bond workshop in final year veterinary students. Australasian Veterinary Education Symposium: Preparing for Practice, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 5-7 July 2009.
Meehan, M., Schull, D., Pachana, N., Watson, B. and Coleman, G. (2009). Determining the effectiveness of an interactive communication skills and human-animal bond workshop in final year veterinary students. AVES 2009 Australasian Veterinary Education Symposium, St Lucia, QLD, Australia, 5-7 July 2009.
Dan Schull, Greg Kyle, Glen Coleman and Paul Mills (2009). How do male and female senior veterinary students describe their veterinary role models?. Australian Veterinary Education Symposium 'Preparing for Practice', University of Queensland St Lucia Campus, 3-7 July 2009.
Schull, D., Morton, J., Coleman, G. and Mills, P.C. (2009). Student versus employer perceptions of the importance of interpersonal skills, professional knowledge and personal attributes required of new veterinary graduates. Australasian Veterinary Education Symposium, Brisbane, Australia, 5-7 July 2009.
Schull, Dan, Morton, John, Coleman, Glen and Mills, Paul (2009). Use of a self-assessment checklist to determine the impact of final year clinical rotations on veterinary science student perceptions of "day one competence". Australasian Veterinary Education Symposium, Brisbane, Australia, 5-7 July 2009.
Schull, D N, Atwell, R. B., O'Leary, C A and Keates, H L (2006). Changes in arterial blood pressure associated with acepromazine (0.03mg/kg IV) administration in conscious dogs. Aust. College of Veterinary Scientists 2006, Surfers Paradise, 6 - 8 July 2006. Australia:
Clarke, P. M. and Schull, D. N. (2006). Generating and communicating scientific literature: An experiental learning project for final year Veterinary Techology undergraduates. Effective Teaching and Learning Conference 2006, University of Queensland, 2-3 November 2006. Australia:
Research Reports
Bell, Melinda, Secombe, Cristy, Schull, Daniel, Learey, Meagan, McArthur, Michelle and Cake, Martin (2021). Workforce sustainability in equine veterinarians – perceptions of stayers and leavers: report to Equine Veterinarians Australia. Perth, WA, Australia: Murdoch University.
Schull, Daniel (2020). Exploring the perspectives, experiences and needs of AMRRIC volunteers and partner veterinarians: findings from a stakeholder survey and interviews conducted in 2019 and 2020 . Gatton, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland.
Cake, Martin, King, Laura, Bell, Melinda, Cobb, Kate, Feakes, Adele, Hamood, Wendy, Hughes, Kirsty, King, Eva, Mansfield, Caroline, Matthew, Susan, McArthur, Michelle, Mossop, Liz, Rhind, Susan, Schull, Daniel and Zaki, Sanaa (2019). VetSet2Go: A collaborative outcomes and assessment framework building employability, resilience and veterinary graduate success. Canberra, ACT, Australia: Australian Government, Department of Education and Training.
Schull, Daniel (2011). Poised for practice: exploring senior veterinary student views related to the development of professional attributes and life skills. MPhil Thesis, School of Veterinary Science, The University of Queensland.
Schull, Daniel (2008). Use of tick antitoxin serum (TAS) and associated drug therapies for the management of Ixodes holocyclus toxicity in dogs. PhD Thesis, School of Veterinary Science, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/158844