Professor Malcolm Jones

Researcher biography
Malcolm Jones (BSc Hons PhD Qld) is Professor of Parasitology in the School of Veterinary Sciences. His research interest lie in the biology and control of helminth parasites of humans. His major research interests lie in investigations of shistosomiasis, food-borne trematodiases and echinococcosis.
Human schistosomes are a major scourge of tropical and developing nations. Currently, over 260 million people are infected with schistosomes, and the diseases caused by these parasites lead to chronic morbidity and death. Professor Jones investigates novel control stratgies for schistosomiasis, including vaccines, parasite biology and host interactions and better diagnostic methods.
Professor Jones is a former Deputy Editor of PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases and is currently Editor-in-Chief of One Health. He is President-elect of the International Federation for Tropical Medicine.