Earlier this month, Trish Farry was awarded the Dr Earl H. Rippie Veterinary Nurse Leadership Scholarship. This scholarship recognises veterinary technicians and veterinary nurses who have demonstrated leadership abilities and have made a positive impact on the growth of the profession. The recipients are chosen for their leadership in local, national and international organisations and also their contributions as speakers and authors within the industry.
The scholarship recognises one international and two domestic nurses and includes a full registration, travel and accommodation to the Veterinary Meeting and Expo (VMX - formerly the NAVC conference), which is the largest veterinary conference in the world with over 17000 delegates.
Trish is pictured at the International Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Symposium in Washington DC, where she serves on the Program Committee and Board of Directors for the Academy of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Technicians and Nurses. Pictured with her are leading technician educators and past presidents of AVECCTN from the University of Pennsylvania, Colorado State University, UCDavis and Purdue University.